Before you watch, you need a little info. This 2,600 foot mega-tower is located behind Dubai Mall, about 6 miles from our apt. We go there once a week for dinner and always watch the dancing fountain show. But because I worked too late to get a spot at the tower, we had to view it from our neighborhood. It was impressive from 6 miles, so to be up as close as these videographers were must have been breathtaking. The video is not embellished. This was the music that played, the fountains that danced, and the fireworks that lit up all of Dubai. There are actually 2 sets of fireworks, so be sure to watch the entire 12 minutes. The observation deck on the 125th floor is open at the cost of $30 a person. The elevators travel at 40mph! As soon as we get some time, we will go up and report back. Enjoy!